Improve the bioavailability and assimilation of nutrients present in the soil
Improve the cation exchange capacity of the soil
Improve the fertility of soils damaged by monocultural techniques
Improve the physical, chemical and biological conditions of the soil
Improve soil ventilation
Increase the carbon content of soils
Develop a protection area from harmful insects and nematodes near the rhizosphere.
HUMIN NEMAT can be used exclusively on
the seeding or transplanting rows of crops
(herbaceous and woody), taking care to bury it
8-15 cm, as close as possible to the pipe that will
be used for irrigation and for fertigation.
HUMIN NEMAT, is particularly useful for use in
systems where the “sub-nutri-irrigation” will be
adopted, which will serve to recharge the product
with water and mineral salts, as a sort of energy
HUMIN NEMAT is used in the following dosages:
Greenhouse horticultural crops: 10-20kg on 1000 m2 of surface, located near the cultivation row and near the irrigation system
Fruit crops (apple, peach, plum, pear, etc.): 500-1000g per plant, located near the root system and the irrigation system
Kiwis: 500-1000g per plant, located near the root system and near the irrigation system.
Tropical cultures (Banana, Date palm, Avocado, Papaya, Mango, etc.): 500-1500g per plant